Part of being a good leader means that you’re taking care of yourself. I’ll continue to say that a leader must show up for their followers to make a difference. Leading is never about the sprint; rather it is a marathon to move forward. If you can’t keep up with your team as a Leader…They’re going to leave you behind.
Personal development seems to be becoming the next big phrase in life. More people are becoming more open about mental illness and their own well being that it’s obvious why personal development as a topic has been blowing up.
To get an idea of how huge this topic is getting you just need to look at the best selling books of 2018. The number 2 best selling book on Amazon for 2018 is “Girl Wash Your Face” by Rachel Hollis only coming in second to Michelle Obama’s book. Ignoring some of the Trump books a there were many more Personal Development books.
Since this topic is so huge I want to explain what it means to me.
For me, personal development means understanding myself and becoming better everyday. I feel like a topic that has the word Personal your definition should be very personal as well. What works for some people may not work for you. However, you might find that you can mold and adapt what others are doing to suit your growth needs.
I believe that any leader should have a strong understanding of themselves because it will encourage others to take command of their own lives, as well as, put their faith in you. That makes sense to me why would anyone follow you if you don’t understand or believe in yourself.
As part of this blog is to document my growth as a leader, I also want to document my growth as a person. It’s a little odd but what you’re reading right now is personal growth in action. I’ve decided that working on my writing and sharing my thoughts actually helps me mentally. While I am creating this blog I am able to exercise my mind and vent my frustrations into a positive light. I hope that my personal growth story will help inspire anyone reading this to make growth-oriented changes in their life.